Saturday, October 24, 2015

1.21 Use the idea of momentum to explain safety features

We already know that force felt = change in momentum ÷ time

To decrease the force felt, you would have to increase the amount of time it takes for the force to be felt. In a car, there are various safety features equipped to do this, as they increase the time that the car's momentum takes to reach zero.

Eg crumple zones in cars slow down the time taken for the momentum to be transferred to the passenger

Some safety features include:
seat belts
air bags
crumple zones
All the above reduce injuries deforming and therefore increasing the amount of time it takes for a person to come to a stop, reducing the acceleration and force on the person, so reducing injury :)
Image: drawing of two safety features of the car. (by: me!!) 
(Yeah okay it's not amazing but it gets the message across)

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