Saturday, October 31, 2015

4.16 Describe the energy transfers involved in generating electricity using several different methods

Solar (panels)
Light energy from the sun (Don't say solar energy!! There is no such thing as solar energy!) is transferred by the solar cells into electrical energy (though in some water heating systems, the solar energy is used to heat water, which means light to thermal energy)

Kinetic energy of the water spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator. This generator transfers the kinetic energy into electrical energy

Kinetic energy from the wind turns the blades, which are connected to a turbine. The turbine spins, which is connected to a generator. This generator takes the kinetic energy and transfers it into electrical energy :)

The thermal energy from the ground is used to heat water, which turns to steam and is pressed through narrow pipes: the thermal energy has been converted to kinetic energy, which is used to spin a turbine, which spins a generator which turns this kinetic energy into electrical energy.

Nuclear energy is transferred to heat energy as it is used to heat up the water. This heat is then transferred to kinetic energy, which spins a turbine connected to a generator. The generator transfers the kinetic energy from the turbine into electrical energy.

Fossil fuels 
(coal, oil, natural gas, etc.)
The chemical energy in the fossil fuel (i.e. coal) is transferred into heat energy as it causes the water to evaporate as it is heated. The steam travels through narrow tubes - the heat energy was transferred to kinetic energy. This steam makes the turbine spin, which is connected to a generator and its (kinetic) energy transferred to electrical energy.

Figure 1: Parts of a nuclear power station


  1. Thank u so much. Very helpful :))

  2. has to be bullshit, every single fucking one is turns turbine which is connected to generator which converts KE to electrical. Fucking bullshit

  3. also why the fuck does it say in small print at the side that this may all be bullshit, you cant confirm

  4. just dont use this page it aint worth the risk
