Sunday, May 29, 2016

6.11 Understand that there is a force on a charged particle when it moves in a magnetic field as long as its motion is not parallel to the field

There is a force acting on the charged particle when it moves in the magnetic field unless its motion is parallel to it, in which case there isn't really, because it is already moving in the direction the magnetic field "wants" it to.


  1. Please explain it further I did not get it , I think this is the most trickiest part of edexce l igcse physics syllabus . Please

    1. it's actually pretty simple:
      if a charged particle moves into a magnetic field, it will experience a force pulling it towards the direction of the magnetic field

      if the charged particle is already moving in the direction of the magnetic field ( parallel to the magnetic field), it wont experience any force, as its already moving in the direction of the magnetic field

      I hope this helps eventho im late
