Thursday, February 4, 2016

2.6 Use the relationship between energy transferred, current, voltage and time

E = I x T x V
(way to remember it is E = ITV)
Energy transferred = Current x Voltage x Time

Energy is measured in Joules (J)
Current is measured in amperes (A)
Voltage is measured in volts (V)
Time is measured in seconds (sec)

1 A = 0.001 kilo amps (divide by 1000)
1A = 0.000001 mega amps (divide by 1 million; 1000000)
1A = 1000 miliamps

(If you understand, don't look at the one below because it might confuzzle you)

In other words...
1 KILO amp = 1000 amps
1 MEGA amp = 1000000 amps (that's a million)
I MILI amp = 0.001

Same applies to all else :)

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