Thursday, February 4, 2016

2.19 Identify common materials which are electrical conductors or insulators, including metals and plastics

Examples of conductors include:
  • copper
  • iron
  • nickel
  • gold
  • steel (that's a metal alloy)
  • aluminum/aluminium
  • pretty much any metal
Examples of insulators (non conducting materials):
  • plastic
  • Styrofoam
  • rubber
  • cloth
  • pretty much any non metal
Explanations :)
Conductors are materials that allow an electrical current to be passed through them. They need to have 'free' electrons because current is a flow of electrons - this is why metals are conductors. Some materials will have more free electrons. The more of them they have, the less resistance, and therefore they are a better conductor.

Non conducting materials do not allow an electrical current to be passed through them. They do not have free electrons which means they cannot move. No flow of electrons therefore no current.

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