Thursday, February 4, 2016

2.23 Explain electrostatic phenomena in terms of the movement of electrons

Electrostatic phenomena is when static has a specific effect. For example, when you get a static shock (you know, like if your friend is somehow charged and then you touch them and like ow it feels like someone just pinched's that).

Electrons can move from one material to the other, and their ultimate goal is to reach the earth. When you touch your friend (let's say it's a she and her name is Agoriel), the electrons jump from whatever is charged (eg a wooly sweater) to you and then down to the earth.

A better example: your friend Agoriel is touching a Van der Graaff generator (look it up if you don't know what it is) - her hair is beginning to stand on end and she is negatively charged. She is standing on an insulator. If you stick out a finger to touch her finger, there will be a spark, you'll probably go "owch!" and the electrons jump to you and then travel down to the earth.

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